Performance issues with Aiia.
Incident Report for e-conomic
English version below.

All the banks have been migrated to the PSD2 APIs. Additional improvements to the integration have also been added, both on Aiia and on e-conomic's side. Moving forward, we expect the Aiia bank integration to work within normal parameters.


Alle banker er nu blevet migreret til PSD2 API. Yderligere forbedringer til bankintegrationen er også blevet implementeret hos Aiia og i e-conomic. Vi forventer, at bankintegrationen vil fungere indenfor de normale parametre fremadrettet.
Posted Feb 09, 2022 - 09:05 CET
English version below.

Problemet er vedrørende Aiias leverandørs migrering fra backup til PSD2 og Leverandøren er i gang med en løsning og vi er i gang med at yderligere undersøgelse.


This is related to Aiia's provider's migration from fallback to PSD2: and A fix is being implemented by the provider and further investigations are conducted on our end as well.
Posted Oct 05, 2021 - 15:40 CEST
English version below.

Vi undersøger en stigning i manglende og duplikerede transaktioner og anmodninger for fornyelse af forbindelser for Smart Bank kunder med en Aiia integration.


We are investigating an increase of missing/duplicate transactions and re-authentication requests for Smart Bank customers with an Aiia integration.
Posted Oct 05, 2021 - 15:40 CEST
This incident affected: Third-party Components (Aiia).